
Firearms Training Programs

CSSC  has NRA certified and highly-qualified firearms instructors to assist with a variety of training services to fit your needs.  As current law enforcement professionals and military veterans, understanding the safe handling and proper use of a firearm is essential to life-safety.  Our Firearms Training Program offers courses to fit every skill level from beginner to advanced shooters, as well as some tactical and home defense courses.  Understanding responsible ownership and proficiency with a firearm is essential for the protection of self and others.

Course Details:

This course is specifically designed for individuals who are new handgun owners or beginners, looking to develop their firearm safety and shooting skills.  Training is provided by highly-skilled and certified instructors who will cover the below listed objectives in a controlled classroom environment.  Once comfortable with the safety and operation of their firearm, students will then transition into a practical application at the range.


  • Understanding safe handling practices
  • Familiarization with operation
  • Fundamentals of marksmanship
  • Loading and unloading
  • Drawing and holstering
  • Best practices and legal considerations

Course Details:

This course is specifically designed for women who are seeking to begin or improve upon their firearm safety and shooting skills. Training is provided by highly skilled and certified firearms instructors. As more and more women are becoming new handgun owners, this course will provide the training to help become more familiar with the safe handling and operation of your handgun, while providing the proper techniques to become more confident and proficient with its use. Once comfortable with the safety and operation of their firearm, students will then transition into a practical application at the range where shooting lessons will be applied in a safe and controlled environment.


  • Understanding safe handling practices
  • Familiarization with operation
  • Fundamentals of marksmanship
  • Loading and unloading
  • Drawing/Holstering
  • Best practices and legal considerations
  • Home defense awareness

This training course incorporates shooting at multiple targets, reloading, shooting from behind cover/concealment, and other drills designed to assist with defensive shooting for home and personal protection.  Basic handgun shooting experience is recommended.

This training course incorporates defensive handgun tactics with movement and timing drills to challenge the shooter.  A variety of shooting stances and tactical positioning are also shared in a controlled shooting  environment.  Class size is limited to increase the learning experience.

This informative seminar shares information on a variety of safe carrying/drawing techniques, proper holsters, PA legal issues, and plenty of the “what ifs” that are covered during the Q&A portion.  There are no live shooting exercises with this class.

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